
Cenroth Race

When people wonder about their past lives and who they were, some of you might find that you’ve been incarnated as a Cenroth. Cenroth are

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Alshar Race

Looks: think of a mix of a hammerhead shark, a frog, and a human. The head is very similar to the hammerhead shark, with the

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Zutrax Race

Looks: Zutrax are the humanoid tiger & lion group. We could call them descendants or relatives of Lyrans. They are about 5-8 feet tall, muscular,

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Trucyon Race

Trucyon looks can be difficult to describe, but you can try imagining a humanoid body silhouette or just the outline, but inside it’s like an

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Golden Crown Race

Looks: Humanoid beings look very similar to us, yet different.  Some of them are 5-8 feet tall, 2 legs, 2 arms. Eyes are pure white,

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Eltran Race

Eltrans are Saggitarius-like beings, half deer-like and half alien-like bodies. The whole being isn’t organic, it’s more of a crystal, rocky type. Pretty much faceless

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